Continue The Conversation

Saving for Harvest and Famine


Continue the Conversation Questions
Momentum | Trusting God Completely
Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:10-13
Discuss the following questions with your Small Group

1. It is often said that people are either by nature savers or spenders. Which one are you? What do you think the potential dangers or pitfalls could be for you in light of your default nature with money?
2. Proverbs 27:23-27 uses farm imagery to teach the point about the need to save. How might you rewrite it to reflect how money works in our own culture to teach the same truth?
3. Have you ever had the experience of saving for an emergency and then being kept safe because of your emergency fund? What was it like?
4. What does Jesus’s parable of the Rich Fool teach us about the topic and idea of savings (Luke 12:13–21)? Why was the rich man condemned and consider a fool?
5. We are called to save but not to hoard. What is the difference? What are signs that you might be crossing the line from saving to hoarding?
6 We are to save for times when we have financial needs but yet trust in God for all things. How do we know that we are not crossing the line to trust in our emergency fund rather than our savings account?
7. What are some practical ways we could go about the task of savings for future times of famine or future needs? What tips might we be able to share with each other?
8. We looked at a variety of Proverbs dealing with money and savings; read through them and as a group discuss what they teach us about the topic of money and savings: Proverbs 6:6-11; 10:4-5; 11:1, 3, 4, 26, 28; 13:11, 22; 19:17; 21:5, 20; 22:3, 9; 27:12; 28:20, 27. After reading through them, note which one really sticks with you and why?


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