Continue The Conversation

Blurred – Made For More


Continue the Conversation Questions
Blurred – Finding Clarity in a Sexually Distorted World
Made For More – The Grander Plan For Our Bodies
Scripture Reference: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-86
Discuss the following questions with your Mini-Church:

  1. Where do you see the “blurred’ human sexuality lines most evident in the world? Discuss how that makes you feel.
  2. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8.  What clarity does God’s word bring to the topic of human sexuality? What are the clear “lenses” mentioned in this weekend’s message?
  3. What do these passages say about “blurred” human sexuality?
  • Genesis 2:24-25
  • Deuteronomy 24: 5 
  • Proverbs 5:18-19 
  • 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 
  • Titus 1:15
  1. What is something every Christian can do to strive more and more in purity?


Current Series

Complicated Conversations

Truth in Genesis

What’s truth? We live in a society where people tend to define their own truths, using their own guidelines. Where values and beliefs are spun in such a way that makes us question if God’s way really is the best.

But does a Universal Truth exist? We believe there is and it’s been recorded in roughly 757,000 words. We invite you to join us as we open that source, God’s Word, and equip you to have complicated conversations with those who are defining their own truth.

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